Y yo he hecho una manta de bebé, con colores alegres, sin recargar. Sobre todo sin recargar, porque no sé de qué color va a ser la habitación y el resto del mobiliario.
Mide 113 x 135 cm (44" x 53")
And I have made a baby quilt. Joyful, with cheerful colours, without making it too elaborate. Above all, not too elaborate, as I do not know the baby's room's colours, or the rest of the furniture.
Size is: 113 x 135 cm (44" x 53")
Mi idea era crear algo nuevo, y no copiar los miles de diseños de colchas infantiles que circulan.
Este ha sido mi intento. Estoy satisfecha, aunque seguiré explorando.
My idea was to create something new, and not to copy the thousands of baby quilt designs that you can see around.
This has been my attempt, and I'm satisfied, although I'll keep on exploring.
Los bloques están hechos a la manera de los triángulos que se hacen cortando un cuadrado por la diagonal, pero de forma irregular.
The blocks are made in the same way as half square triangles, but cut in an irregular way.
Combiné en todos los casos dos colores contrastantes, uno claro, de fondo, el otro alegre.
I combined contrasting colours, one light as the background, the other a bright one.
Son todos distintos, pero resultan del mismo tamaño, al cortarlos y coserlos de a pares y cruzándolos entre sí. Así me permiten elegir la combinación de colores a medida que voy jugando con su colocación.
They are all different, but the same size as I cut them in pairs and sewed them to each other. So they allow me to choose the combination of colours as I play with their placement.Al margen de eso, la manta es bastante tradicional, con su marco y su orillo cosido a mano. Y al final, incluí su nombre en el acolchado.
Apart from that, the quilt is quite traditional, with its border and its handsewn binding. And at the end, I quilted his name .
El acolchado es bastante simple para que no quede muy rígida, y se mantenga tierna para un bebé.
I kept the quilting quite simple in order not to have a stiff quilt, and keep it
soft for a baby.
Por la parte de atrás se aprecia al acolchado simple.Y la etiqueta.
You can see how simple the quilting is from the back. And the label.
Seguiré explorando...en la combinación de colores y formas, más o menos complementarios, mas o menos regulares...
I'll keep on exploring ... more or less complementary colours and shape combination, more or less irregular...
It's wonderful! You have designed a new block! I love the triangle border on only two sides. I'm sure this will be a family treasure.
ResponderEliminarYes. They are happy! As to designing blocks, I still need to work a lot...
ResponderEliminarBienvenue à Marcos et bravo à toi Ana, ce quilt est adorable et inventif ! Il faut de la couleur, de la joie, du mouvement pour les enfants et tu as réuni tout ça ici.
ResponderEliminarMarcos is a very lucky little baby. Your quilt is beautiful :)