Me encantan los bolsos
Siempre me ha gustado hacerme bolsos que fueran originales, distintos en algo de los comprados. Y se pierden en el tiempo y en mi memoria la cantidad y los diseños que he hecho. Recuerdo uno de ellos con flores bordadas en petit point. Recuerdo otro, tejido a ganchillo (o crochet) con hilo de atar (o piolín, en Argentina) en el que la tapa se cerraba entrelazando múltiples cadenitas tejidas en hilo, y las cosas se metían entre esas cadenitas. Era ingenioso, imposible de que te robaran algo de dentro del bolso, y se podía lavar sin problemas. No sé qué se hizo de él, ni he vuelto a ver el modelo. Otro de cuero, que hice del tamaño adecuado para que cupieran los libros (no se llevaba mochila en esas épocas)...
I love hand bags
I have always liked making handbags for myself; handbags that were original, different from the bought ones, one of a kind bags. And I lose track of how many I have made and when I made them. I can recall one, which had a petit point (or maybe gros point...) embroidered bunch of flowers. I can remember another one which was crochet (or hook needle) knit with normal twine or cord, which was quite ingenious. It was impossible to get things stolen from it, and it could be easily washed. I don't know what became of it, nor have I seen the model again. There was also a leather one, which I made in a size to hold my books, as we did not use rucksacks at the time...
I have always liked making handbags for myself; handbags that were original, different from the bought ones, one of a kind bags. And I lose track of how many I have made and when I made them. I can recall one, which had a petit point (or maybe gros point...) embroidered bunch of flowers. I can remember another one which was crochet (or hook needle) knit with normal twine or cord, which was quite ingenious. It was impossible to get things stolen from it, and it could be easily washed. I don't know what became of it, nor have I seen the model again. There was also a leather one, which I made in a size to hold my books, as we did not use rucksacks at the time...
Pero eso fue hace mucho.
Ahora hago bolsos aprovechando técnicas de patchwork.
Como este bolso con técnica crazy quilting, con bordaditos y bolitas sobre un fondo de corbatas de seda.
But that was long ago.
I now make bags using patchwork techniques.
Like this crazy quilting bag, with embroidery and beads on a silk tie background.
But that was long ago.
I now make bags using patchwork techniques.
Like this crazy quilting bag, with embroidery and beads on a silk tie background.
bordados, bolitas (cuentas, mostacillas) y puntos típicos de "crazy quilting" embroidery, beads and typical crazy quilting stitches |